Fixed issue where trying to pick up two items quickly when you only have 1 inventory slot free would result in one item stuck floating in the air. Added code to make sure friendly NPC combatants do not shoot at you if you shoot at them. Can now use B button or ESC to back out of New Game+ menu. Fixed issue where removing a vest or headgear while inventory is full would lose the item. Fixed supplies for the safehouse in the city that could be interacted with through a wall.

Fixed issue where both the join and host button on the online menu would show as highlighted when backing out from joining a game. Popups on the main menu can now be closed with the cancel button. Fixed enemy who might spawn on top of a streetlight in the outskirts near the beginning of the game. Fixed bug that occurs if the player tries to switch guns after loading up a save file in which the soldiers only have sidearms. Fixed bug when using Provoke on the Nightmare. Fixed pathing issues on the boat in the Docks. Fixed pink steering wheel in the Docks. Fixed a series of events that could break the quest to obtain the keycard in the Docks. Fixed issues where human enemies might react to being shot at by walking backwards. Fixed inventory menu not showing the weight stat for gear. Fixed inventory menu showing stat categories it shouldn’t for guns and gear. Fixed ground in the Residential scene that soldiers appeared to hover over. The updated Linux version will be added as soon as possible.
#Breach and clear deadline rebirth how to swap weapons update#
Changelog for update 1.09 (added 17 November):